nishadvaraa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word nishadvaraa usage in english sentences. The examples of nishadvaraa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., night, dark, night.

Wong, worked all that night drawing pictures and constructing plastic models of molecules to show how it could happen.

What pleased me was, here was this person who put in three or four hours at night doing debate research besides doing all his research with butterflies and his other interests.
Since we do not know the power of the senders of these spacecraft, and we are still in the dark about their intentions, it is wise not to reveal our existence.
All night the rain has been drumming on the corrugated tin roof.
And suddenly, clean and pure, the song of the whistling thrush emerges like a dark sweet secret from the depths of the ravine.
In the hushed silence of the house when I am quite alone, and my friend, who was here has gone, it is very lonely, very quiet, as I sit in a liquid silence, a silence within, surrounded by the rhythm of rain, the steady drift of water on leaves, on lemons, on roof, drumming on drenched dahlias and window panes, while the mist holds the house in a dark caress.
All night the roots work to disengage themselves from the cracks in the veranda floor.
The night is fresh, the whole moon shines in a sky still open the smell of leaves and lichen still reaches like a voice into the rooms.
Stephen Spender, the poet who had visited Gemini Studios! In a moment I felt a dark chamber of my mind lit up by a hazy illumination.
The day temperatures in summer are just above zero degree and the night temperatures well below 30 C.
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